Download BDB

BDB is updated quarterly. Its content and tools can be accessed without any limitation and registration. All data in the BDB database has also been exported in xml files. Please click the icon left to download the data archive.

Download benchmark data

MimoBench is a benchmark dataset for mimotope-based protein-protein interaction study. There are 79 sets of biopanning data for protein-protein interactions with complex structure solved. Please click the icon left to download the benchmark data.

Download data when browsing BDB

Data can be downloaded in xml files via selecting options "Download all data", "Download this page" or "Download selected". If users choose "Download all data", all data in one table will be downloaded. If users select "Download this page" option, data in the corresponding page will be downloaded. If users want to download specified entries, they should check the corresponding entries and choose "Download selected" option.

Download data when searching BDB

Data can be downloaded in xml files via selecting options "Download this result" or "Download selected". If users choose "Download this result", all data that were found will be downloaded. If users want to download specified entries, they should check the corresponding entries and choose "Download selected" option.