Sequence Data
The majority of sequence data in DDOTAB is sourced from the Proposed International Nonproprietary Name (INN) lists published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the mAb-DB database from IMGT. This document can be downloaded to access sequence information for all therapeutic antibody entries in the DDOTAB database.
Therapeutic Metadata
The therapeutic metadata comprises information that functions as a set of classification criteria for therapeutic antibodies, facilitating users to retrieve entries of therapeutic antibodies based on this metadata. The treatment metadata in DDOTAB includes information on sequence source, target and receptor identification, format, mAb isotype, as well as LC class for various therapeutic regimens.
Experimental Data
This section presents both experimentally measured and in-silico-predicted biophysical and physicochemical properties that are relevant to the developability of antibodies. Specifically, these experiments mainly include CIC, PSR binding assay, CSI-BLI, AC-SINS, SGAC-SINS, Tm using differential scanning fluorescence (DSF), SMAC, accelerated stability SEC slope, HIC, BVP assay and ELISA.
Clinical_trials Data
As the clinical trial status of a therapeutic antibody may vary depending on its application to different indications, we have provided this information in a separate form.
Tools Integration
The assessment of developability entails the examination of hydrophobicity, aggregation propensity, viscosity profile, solubility characteristics, immunogenic potential and post-translational modifications of antibodies. We have gathered developability assessment models, which were trained on developability data and have demonstrated efficacy, to facilitate the development of therapeutic antibodies.