This page provides help to the users of the ACOVP database on how to efficiently use this repository of ACOVPs. For each module which is implemented in ACovPepDB, here we provide the figures and description on how to use that module. Three general modules are provided here.

    Data browsing

    The ACOVP database can be conveniently browsed. By clicking 'BROWSE' at the top of ACOVP website, users firstly access a brief browsing table which displays fields including ACovPid, Against Virus, Inhibitory Effect, Target Domain and links guiding to the 'Detail' page. More detailed descriptions are provided in the 'Detail' page that can be reached by selecting 'more'.

                                                                             The Browsing page of table 'acovpeptide'.

                                                                                  The Detail page of table 'acovpeptide'.

                                                                                  The Browsing page of table 'targetdomain'.

                                                                                  The Detail page of table 'targetdomain'.

                                                                                  The Browsing page of table 'modification'.

                                                                                  The Detail page of table 'modification'.

    Data searching

    ACovPepDB provides search results as a table in the search result page similar to browsing the database. Users can click 'SEARCH' to enter into the search interface and search ACovPepDB by inputting keywords and choosing corresponding search terms. Most fields can be used to search against the database.

                                                                                                       The Searching page.

                                                                                  The Searching result page by example.


    The ¡°ACovPBLAST¡± provides users with the ability to perform similar searches based on BLASTP (version 2.2.31+). This function outputs the ACovPs in ACovPepDB similar to the query peptides, and generates a report with multiple output parameters (Score, E Value, Identities, etc.). ACovPBLAST also allows users to customize the input parameters (for example, expect value, optimized parameters for short peptide or not).

                                                                                                 The ACovPBLAST page.

                                                                                          The Blast result page by example.

    Peptide three-dimensional structure browse function

    ACovPepDB provides an interactive structure viewer for three-dimensional structures of peptides. Users can visualize the three-dimensional structures of ACovPs by clicking the model link in field ¡°3D structure¡± of table ¡°ACovpeptide¡±. The structure browse page integrates a plurality of features of the JSmol applet (e.g., set color style, view type, and model type, etc.) and displays the three-dimensional structure of the ACovP in a JSmol window

                                                    The three-dimensional structure link in the Detail page of table 'acovpeptide'.

                                    The three-dimensional browse page by click model link in the Detail page of table 'acovpeptide'.