Warning: file_get_contents(PDB_split/5UK4_b_B/5UK4_B.fasta): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hj/immunet/www/AACDB/details.php on line 116


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Entry information

AACDB_ID: 1744
Chains: b_B
Organism: Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus strain San Juan, Vicugna pacos
Method: XRD
Resolution (Å): 3.20
Reference: 10.15252/embr.201643764
Antibody: 1307 Nanobody
Antibody mutation: No
INN (Clinical Trial):
Antigen: Vesicular stomatitis virus N protein
Antigen mutation: No
Durg Target:

Sequence information


Chain: b
Mutation: NULL

>5UK4_B|Chain A, AA[auth B], C, CA[auth D], E, EA[auth F], G, GA[auth H], I, IA[auth J], K, KA[auth L], M, MA[auth N], O, Q[auth P], S[auth Q], U[auth R], W[auth S], Y[auth T]|Nucleoprotein|Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (strain San Juan) (11285)


Chain: B
Mutation: NULL


1、Solvent accessible surface areas (SASA) were calculated (Naccess V2.1.1) for each residue in antibody and antigen, respectively. The residues with SASA loss in binding of more than 1Å2 were classified as interacting residues.

Interacting residues (ΔSASA based)

b: LYS23 ARG27 THR28 SER30 ASN31 TRP53 ARG54 ASP56 ASN74 ALA75 ASN77 LYS100 ALA101 TYR102 ASN103

B: ASP359 SER360 THR361 GLY362 LEU364 THR365 THR366 ASN367 ALA368 PRO370 GLN371 ASP374 VAL376 GLU377 GLY380 TRP381 ASP384

2、We defined interacting paratope-epitope residues by a distance cutoff of < 5Å . Two amino acids are considered as interacting residues if they have at least one atom within a distance of 5 Å from any atom.

Interacting residues (Atom distance based)


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