Some test data for 
Less Critical Cases
Critical Cases
Abbreviations and explanations
Less critical cases are taken from case study of other existing tools. They might not be the best validation sets. However, we list them here to show our respect to the previous work by other researchers and to prove that MIMOX can reproduce the result from manual mapping and other existing tools such as FINDMAP and 3DEX. Critical cases are collected if they have both the structural epitope information and the mimotopes information.
*: Mapping result entry via MIMOX, which overlaps the native epitope;
TestSeq: (part or whole) sequence (or consensus) of mimotopes used for test; PDB: PDB structure of corresponding protein( the natural partner of selector); Selector: the material that was used to select the phage display library, it can be receptor or ligand, antibody or antigen, enzyme or substrate, cell, tissue, or even plastic...however, when used in epitope mapping, the selector should be antibody, especially monoclonal antibody.
ParaSet: a set of parameters used in a given MIMOX test. The ParaSet appears as " (Candidate residue pickup mode, Distance calculating method, Distance factor or threshold)".
Strict: pick up exactly the same residue as candidate residue; Similar: pick up the same and similar residues as candidate residues; CA: calculate distance between residues based on C alpha atoms; CB: calculate distance between residues based on C beta atoms; AHA: calculate distance between residues based on all heavy atoms. Distance factor (only valid for AHA method) ranges from 1.00 to 1.33 with a default value 1.11; Distance threshold (only valid for CA and CB methods) are 4.0Å~12.0Å with a default value 7.0Å.
TestSeq: VPHPTWMR (Base on reference 12935344)
PDB: 1ATN_A (Download)
Native Protein: actin
Selector: anti actin polyclonal antibody
Result from FINDMAP: VP(129,130)+HPT(101-103)+MW(355,356)+R372
Result from manually mapping by original author: VP(129,130)+HPT(101,102,358)
Result from MIMOX:
ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 12.0); Select from Top26; Total: 184
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 |
VAL-96--PRO-102--HIS-101--PRO-130--THR-358--TRP-356--MET-355--ARG-372 |
424.37 |
2 |
VAL-96--PRO-98--HIS-101--PRO-130--THR-358--TRP-356--MET-355--ARG-372 |
417.24 |
*5 |
VAL-129--PRO-130--HIS-101--PRO-102--THR-358--TRP-356--MET-355--ARG-372 |
405.56 |
*17 |
VAL-129--PRO-130--HIS-101--PRO-102--THR-103--TRP-356--MET-355--ARG-372 |
360.20 |
26 |
VAL-96--PRO-98--HIS-101--PRO-102--THR-103--TRP-356--MET-355--ARG-372 |
339.86 |
TestSeq: FRYKII (virtually derived by the original authors)
PDB: 1QMC_A (Download)
Selector: Fab fragment of mAb33
Native Protein: human immunodeficiency virus-1 integrase
Result from 3DEX: PHE 223|ARG 224|TYR 226|LYS 266|ILE 267|ILE 268
Result from docking result of original author:(F223,R224,Y226,K244,I267,I268)
Result from MIMOX:
ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 |
PHE-223--ARG-224--TYR-226--LYS-266--ILE-267--ILE-268 | 448.07 |
2 |
PHE-223--ARG-224--TYR-226--LYS-266--ILE-268--ILE-267 | 448.07 |
TestSeq: LLTTNKD (Base on reference 15834923)
PDB: 1G9M_G (Download)
Native Protein: HIV gp120 envelope glycoprotein
Selector: IgG from serum of HIV positive patients
Result from 3DEX: LEU 452|LEU 453|THR 283|THR 455|ASN 280|LYS 282|ASP 279
Result from MIMOX:
ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 5
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 |
LEU-452--LEU-453--THR-283--THR-455--ASN-280--LYS-282--ASP-279 | 265.82 |
2 |
LEU-452--LEU-454--THR-283--THR-455--ASN-280--LYS-282--ASP-279 | 265.39 |
3 |
LEU-259--LEU-453--THR-283--THR-455--ASN-280--LYS-282--ASP-279 | 264.96 |
ParaSet 2: (Similar, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 67
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 |
ILE-360--ILE-467--SER-465--THR-358--ASN-356--LYS-357--GLU-464 | 399.28 |
2 |
ILE-360--ILE-359--SER-465--THR-358--ASN-356--LYS-357--GLU-464 | 369.59 |
3 |
ILE-359--ILE-467--SER-465--THR-358--ASN-356--LYS-357--GLU-464 | 369.01 |
ParaSet 3: (Similar, AHA, 1.11); Show Top3; Total: 16
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 |
LEU-86--VAL-85--THR-244--SER-243--ASN-229--LYS-231--GLU-267 | 562.89 |
2 |
VAL-84--VAL-85--THR-244--SER-243--ASN-229--LYS-231--GLU-267 | 534.12 |
3 |
LEU-86--VAL-85--THR-244--SER-243--ASN-229--LYS-231--GLU-268 | 519.91 |
Mimotope sequences: 17bMimoSeq.fa (compiled from reference 14596802)
Consensus Sequence: [LV]RP[LT][KR]LRE[LP][RT]X[-R]
TestSeq: LRLR
Selector: human mcAb 17b, Ig kappa
Native Protein: HIV gp120 envelope glycoprotein
Record in CED: CK(119,121)+VTQAC(200,202-205)+RKQI(419,421-423)+KMYP(432,434,435,437)
( CE0058 )
Result by Enshell-Seijffers method:
Result from MIMOX:
ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top5; Total: 64
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 |
ILE-423--LYS-421--ILE-420--ARG-419 | 359.92 |
2 | ILE-491--LYS-490--VAL-489--LYS-487 | 345.35 |
3 | ILE-491--LYS-490--VAL-488--LYS-487 | 342.39 |
*4 | VAL-200--LYS-121--LEU-122--LYS-432 | 315.78 |
*5 | ILE-423--LYS-432--LEU-122--LYS-121 | 314.26 |
Mimotope sequences: HerceptinMimoSeq.fa (compiled from references 15210798 and 15829301)
Consensus Sequence: [KV][DL]Y[HW][AY][DE]--GEIT
TestSeq: KD, WAD, EGE
Selector: humanized mouse mcAb, trastuzumab(Herceptin), IgG1 kappa
Native Protein: human receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 (HER2)
Record in CED: PEADQ(557-561)+DPPF(570-573)+KFPDEEGACQP(593-603) ( CE0096 )
Result from MIMOX:
TestSeq: KD; ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | LYS-226--ASP-229 | 157.92 |
2 | LYS-10--ASP-8 | 150.23 |
3 | LYS-206--ASP-212 | 123.97 |
4 | LYS-148--ASP-149 | 119.39 |
*5 | LYS-569--ASP-570 | 109.39 |
TestSeq: WAD; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | PHE-573--ALA-559--GLU-558 | 188.98 |
*2 | PHE-573--ALA-559--ASP-560 | 153.76 |
3 | PHE-342--ALA-343--GLU-341 | 143.86 |
4 | PHE-573--ALA-559--GLU-544 | 116.30 |
TestSeq: EGE; ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 6
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | GLU-597--GLY-599--GLU-598 | 358.46 |
*2 | GLU-598--GLY-599--GLU-597 | 358.46 |
3 | GLU-481--GLY-484--GLU-485 | 268.06 |
Mimotope sequences: 82D6A3MimoSeq.fa (compiled from references 12855711)
Consensus Sequence: RT--[-FW]--[-LV]-SPWR
TestSeq: RT, FL, SPWR
Selector: mouse mcAb: 82D6A3, IgG
Native Protein: human von Willebrand factor (vWF)
Record in CED: ITTIDPWN(975-979,981-983) + DGFRY(1009,1012,1013,1016,1017) + MH(1022,1023)
( CE0154 )
Result from MIMOX:
TestSeq: RT; ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | ARG-1056--THR-1058 | 270.62 |
*2 | ARG-1016--THR-1019 | 178.19 |
3 | ARG-1067--THR-1038 | 139.97 |
TestSeq: FL; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top2; Total: 16
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | PHE-1013--VAL-1015 | 76.08 |
*2 | PHE-1013--LEU-1011 | 68.87 |
TestSeq: SPWR; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 10.0); Select from Top14; Total: 31
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | SER-942--PRO-940--PHE-939--ARG-1067 | 330.44 |
2 | SER-937--PRO-940--PHE-939--ARG-1067 | 327.04 |
*14 | THR-977--PRO-981--TRP-982--ARG-1026 | 165.95 |
Mimotope sequences: 13b5MimoSeq.fa (compiled from reference 14596802)
Consensus Sequence: [DE]V[FM]GPL[STDE]TX-X[DE]
TestSeq: GPL, ET, EE (EE is formed by 2 ends because of CC type of phage displayed peptides)
Selector: mouse mab 13B5, IgG1 kappa
Native Protein: HIV-1 Capsid protein p24
Record in CED: ALGPAATEE(204-210,212,213)+TA(216-217) ( CE0170 )
Result by Enshell-Seijffers method: E187+D197+A204+GPAA(206-209)+EE(212-213)+A217
Result from MIMOX:
TestSeq: GPL; ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 8.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | GLY-206--PRO-207--LEU-205 | 250.24 |
2 | GLY-106--PRO-49--LEU-52 | 20.41 |
3 | GLY-127--PRO-49--LEU | 2.29 |
TestSeq: ET; ParaSet 1: (Strict, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 11
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | GLU-212--THR-216 | 200.95 |
*2 | GLU-213--THR-216 | 182.45 |
*3 | GLU-212--THR-210 | 181.88 |
TestSeq: EE; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 18
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | GLU-28--GLU-29 | 254.99 |
2 | GLU-29--GLU-28 | 254.99 |
*3 | GLU-212--GLU-213 | 207.22 |
Mimotope sequences: BO2C11MimoSeq.fa (compiled from reference 12676786)
Consensus Sequence: [NQKR][HST]RWSNRSS[ST]
Selector: human mcAb,BO2C11, IgG4 kappa
Native Protein: human coagulation factor VIII
Record in CED: FTNMF(2196-2200)+R2215+RPQV(2220-2223)+SLLT(2250-2253)+HQ(2315-2316)
( CE0176 )
Result of MIMOP-MimAlign:
Result of MIMOP-MimCons:
Result of combined: YFTNMFTKRRQ(2195-2200,2202,2207,2215,2220,2222)
Result from MIMOX:
TestSeq: QH; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show all
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | GLN-2270--HIS-2269 | 285.38 |
2 | GLN-2213--HIS-2211 | 217.84 |
*3 | GLN-2316--HIS-2315 | 170.19 |
4 | GLN-2311--HIS-2309 | 87.88 |
TestSeq: RWSN; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 11
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | LYS-2281--PHE-2274--THR-2272--GLN-2270 | 265.10 |
2 | LYS-2207--TRP-2203--THR-2197--ASN-2198 | 235.32 |
*3 | ARG-2220--PHE-2196--THR-2197--ASN-2198 | 234.17 |
TestSeq: RSSS; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top3; Total: 51
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | ARG-2215--SER-2216--THR-2202--THR-2197 | 311.80 |
*2 | ARG-2215--SER-2216--THR-2202--SER-2204 | 262.39 |
*3 | LYS-2249--SER-2250--SER-2254--THR-2253 | 246.28 |
Mimotope sequences: C225MimoSeq.fa (compiled from reference 16288119)
Consensus Sequence: QW[DNQ][LR][SFW]SRX[LY]K
TestSeq: QWQ, LSSR
Selector: humanized mouse mcAb: c225(cetuximab, Erbitux), IgG1 kappa
Native Protein: human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
Record in CED: R353+Q384+QHFVS(408-409,412,417-418)+ISK(438,440,443)+KIISN(465-468,473)
( CE0199 )
Result from MIMOX:
TestSeq: QWQ; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Select from Top7; Total: 18
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
1 | ASN-32--PHE-54--ASN-33 | 199.73 |
*7 | GLN-408--PHE-412--GLN-411 | 163.34 |
TestSeq: LSSR; ParaSet 1: (Conservative, CA, 7.0); Show Top5; Total: 87
No | Residues and Locations of Candidate Cluster |
Accessibility (Å2) |
*1 | ILE-467--SER-440--SER-468--LYS-443 | 338.65 |
2 | VAL-526--SER-529--SER-506--ARG-509 | 333.02 |
3 | VAL-312--SER-342--THR-378--ARG-405 | 316.79 |
*4 | VAL-417--SER-440--SER-468--LYS-443 | 308.62 |
*5 | ILE-466--SER-440--SER-468--LYS-443 | 295.59 |
Center of Bioinformatics |
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