AlignAlign mimotope sequences


  Though you may try directly to map a mimotope onto corresponding structure of native protein, you can also derive a consensus sequence from a set of mimotopes at first, and then map the consensus sequence or part of the consensus sequence back to corresponding structure of native protein. Here, we provide a simple web interface for fast alignments of mimotopes powered by ClustalW. After the mimotopes are aligned, you can get a consensus sequence through a simple statistic method or through JalView. You can also align your mimotopes more accurately using EBI ClustalW server. Besides, you can try to get a consensus sequence from unaligned mimotopes through EBI PRATT server. To get some test data, click here.

Alignment and Output Options
Word Size Top Diag Window Pair Gap ScoreType
Weight Matrix Gap Open GapExt OutOrder Seq No
Enter or Paste a set of mimotope sequences:
Or upload sequence file:  

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