General information
    Trivial Name:EK1
    C-Terminal Modification:None
    N-Terminal Modification:None
    Chemical Modification:None
    Peptide Source:

    Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) : 31631

    Source Description:Peptide OC43-HR2P was derived from the HR2 domain of HCoV-OC43. EK1 was the optimized form of OC43-HR2P,and EK1C4 was the optimized form of EK1.
    Against Virus:

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) : 694009

    Inhibition Value Type:IC50
    Inhibitory Effect:0.036 ± 0.005
    Inhibitory Unit:µM
    Target Domain Name:HR1 domain of SARS-CoV-2
    Assay:β-Gal complementation-based fusion assay.
    Assay Description:The author previously adapted a fusion assay based on alpha complementation of β-galactosidase (β-Gal). The assay is based on alpha complementation of beta-gal; the beta-gal protein lacking the N-terminal 85 residues (omega peptide) is expressed from one plasmid, and the N-terminal 85 residues (alpha peptide) is expressed from a second plasmid. Cell fusion leads to complementation, and beta-galactosidase is quantitated using the Galacto-Star (Applied Biosystems) chemiluminescent reporter gene assay system. Receptor bearing cells expressing the omega peptide are mixed with viral glycoproteins co-expressing cells that also express the alpha peptide, at various temperatures and at specific time points. Fusion is stopped by lysing the cells with lysis buffer. In this assay, hACE2 or DDP4 receptor-bearing cells expressing the omega peptide of β-Gal are mixed with cells coexpressing glycoprotein S and the alpha peptide of β-Gal, and cell fusion leads to alpha-omega complementation. Fusion is stopped by lysing the cells, and after addition of the substrate (Tropix Galacto-Star chemiluminescent reporter assay system; Applied Biosystem), luminescence is quantified on a Tecan M1000PRO microplate reader.
    Anti-CoV activity in vivo:
    3D structure:


    Structure Experiment Verified:NO
    Similar Peptides:ACoVP100015   ACoVP100014   ACoVP100013   ACoVP100001   ACoVP100011

    Target Domain information
    Target Domain Full Name:Heptad repeat 1 (HR1) domain of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) spike glycoprotein
    Target Type:glycoprotein
    UniprotID [Sequence]:

    P0DTC2 [920-970]

    Target Synonyms:Alternative name(s) for spike glycoprotein: E2 Peplomer protein S glycoprotein
    Target Source:

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) : 2697049

    Target Structure:6LVN, 6LXT, 6LZG, 6M0J, 6M17, 6M1V, 6VSB, 6VW1, 6VXX, 6VYB, 6W41, 6WPS, 6WPT, 6X29, 6X2A, 6X2B, 6X2C, 6X6P, 6X79, 6XC2, 6XC3, 6XC4, 6XC7, 6XCM, 6XCN, 6XDG, 6XE1, 6XEY, 6XF5, 6XF6, 6XKL, 6XKP, 6XKQ, 6XLU, 6XM0, 6XM3, 6XM4, 6XM5, 6XR8, 6XRA, 6XS6, 6YLA, 6YM0, 6YOR, 6YZ5, 6YZ7, 6Z2M, 6Z43, 6Z97, 6ZB4, 6ZB5, 6ZBP, 6ZCZ, 6ZDG, 6ZDH, 6ZER, 6ZFO, 6ZGE, 6ZGG, 6ZGI, 6ZH9, 6ZHD, 6ZLR, 6ZOW, 6ZOX, 6ZOY, 6ZOZ, 6ZP0, 6ZP1, 6ZP2, 6ZP5, 6ZP7, 6ZWV, 6ZXN, 7A25, 7A29, 7A4N, 7A5R, 7A5S, 7A91, 7A92, 7A93, 7A94, 7A95, 7A96, 7A97, 7A98, 7AD1, 7BWJ, 7BYR, 7BZ5, 7C01, 7C2L, 7C8D, 7C8V, 7C8W, 7CAB, 7CAH, 7CAI, 7CAK, 7CAN, 7CDI, 7CDJ, 7CH4, 7CH5, 7CHB, 7CHC, 7CHE, 7CHF, 7CHH, 7CJF, 7CN9, 7CT5, 7CWM, 7CWN, 7CWO, 7CWS, 7CWU, 7DCC, 7DCX, 7DD2, 7DD8, 7DDD, 7DDN, 7DF3, 7DF4, 7DK3, 7DK4, 7DK5, 7DK6, 7DK7, 7DMU, 7JJC, 7JJI, 7JJJ, 7JMO, 7JMP, 7JMW, 7JV2, 7JV4, 7JV6, 7JVA, 7JVB, 7JVC, 7JW0, 7JWB, 7JWY, 7JX3, 7JZL, 7JZM, 7JZN, 7JZU, 7K43, 7K45, 7K4N, 7K8M, 7K8S, 7K8T, 7K8U, 7K8V, 7K8W, 7K8X, 7K8Y, 7K8Z, 7K90, 7K9Z, 7KDG, 7KDH, 7KDI, 7KDJ, 7KDK, 7KDL, 7KE4, 7KE6, 7KE7, 7KE8, 7KE9, 7KEA, 7KEB, 7KEC, 7KJ2, 7KJ3, 7KJ4, 7KJ5, 7KKK, 7KKL, 7KL9, 7KMB, 7KMS, 7KMZ, 7KNB, 7KNE, 7KNH, 7KNI, 7L02, 7L06, 7L09