General information
    Trivial Name:pep1c
    Amino Acids Sequence:DKFNHEAED
    C-Terminal Modification:None
    N-Terminal Modification:None
    Chemical Modification:None
    Peptide Source:

    Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (hACE2) : 9606

    Source Description:
    Against Virus:

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) : 2697049

    Inhibition Value Type:IC50
    Inhibitory Effect:3300 ± 800
    Inhibitory Unit:µM
    Target Domain Name:RBD of SARS-CoV-2
    Assay:in Vitro assay In Vitro RBD-ACE2 Interaction Inhibition Assay
    Assay Description:The assay was performed with the SpectraMax iD3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader (MolecularDevices), using a 96-well plate coated with recombinantly-expressed ACE2-COVID-19 Spike-ACE2 binding assay kit II (RayBiotech). The total amount of the bound recombinant S-RBD protein (with an Fc tag) in the presence of tested compounds was measured. For this purpose, the color reaction of HRP-conjugated IgG in the presence of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine(TMB) substrate with the TMB solution, producing a blue color that is proportional to the amount of the bound fraction of S-RBD, was used. The HRP-TMB reaction was then halted with the addition of the Stop Solution, resulting in a blue-to-yellow color change. The experiment was performed according to manufacturer recommendation. To each well, 100 µLof tested compound in varying concentration with the recommended concentration of RBD protein was added, and the plate was incubated for 2.5 h at room temperature. After recommended washing, 100 µL of HRP-conjugated antibody solution was added and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. Next, after the same washing procedure, 100 µL of TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent was added and incubated for 30 min at room temperature in the dark. Reaction was stopped by adding 50 µL of Stop Solution to each well, and the resulting absorption at 450 nm was measured. Inhibitor concentration varied in the range of 10 µM–10 mM.
    Anti-CoV activity in vivo:
    3D structure:


    Structure Experiment Verified:NO
    Similar Peptides:ACoVP100429   ACoVP100495   ACoVP100150   ACoVP100151   ACoVP100149

    Target Domain information
    Target Domain Full Name:Receptor-binding domain (RBD) of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) spike glycoprotein
    Target Type:glycoprotein
    UniprotID [Sequence]:

    P0DTC2 [319-541]

    Target Synonyms:Alternative name(s) for spike glycoprotein: E2 Peplomer protein S glycoprotein
    Target Source:

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) : 2697049

    Target Structure:6LVN, 6LXT, 6LZG, 6M0J, 6M17, 6M1V, 6VSB, 6VW1, 6VXX, 6VYB, 6W41, 6WPS, 6WPT, 6X29, 6X2A, 6X2B, 6X2C, 6X6P, 6X79, 6XC2, 6XC3, 6XC4, 6XC7, 6XCM, 6XCN, 6XDG, 6XE1, 6XEY, 6XF5, 6XF6, 6XKL, 6XKP, 6XKQ, 6XLU, 6XM0, 6XM3, 6XM4, 6XM5, 6XR8, 6XRA, 6XS6, 6YLA, 6YM0, 6YOR, 6YZ5, 6YZ7, 6Z2M, 6Z43, 6Z97, 6ZB4, 6ZB5, 6ZBP, 6ZCZ, 6ZDG, 6ZDH, 6ZER, 6ZFO, 6ZGE, 6ZGG, 6ZGI, 6ZH9, 6ZHD, 6ZLR, 6ZOW, 6ZOX, 6ZOY, 6ZOZ, 6ZP0, 6ZP1, 6ZP2, 6ZP5, 6ZP7, 6ZWV, 6ZXN, 7A25, 7A29, 7A4N, 7A5R, 7A5S, 7A91, 7A92, 7A93, 7A94, 7A95, 7A96, 7A97, 7A98, 7AD1, 7BWJ, 7BYR, 7BZ5, 7C01, 7C2L, 7C8D, 7C8V, 7C8W, 7CAB, 7CAH, 7CAI, 7CAK, 7CAN, 7CDI, 7CDJ, 7CH4, 7CH5, 7CHB, 7CHC, 7CHE, 7CHF, 7CHH, 7CJF, 7CN9, 7CT5, 7CWM, 7CWN, 7CWO, 7CWS, 7CWU, 7DCC, 7DCX, 7DD2, 7DD8, 7DDD, 7DDN, 7DF3, 7DF4, 7DK3, 7DK4, 7DK5, 7DK6, 7DK7, 7DMU, 7JJC, 7JJI, 7JJJ, 7JMO, 7JMP, 7JMW, 7JV2, 7JV4, 7JV6, 7JVA, 7JVB, 7JVC, 7JW0, 7JWB, 7JWY, 7JX3, 7JZL, 7JZM, 7JZN, 7JZU, 7K43, 7K45, 7K4N, 7K8M, 7K8S, 7K8T, 7K8U, 7K8V, 7K8W, 7K8X, 7K8Y, 7K8Z, 7K90, 7K9Z, 7KDG, 7KDH, 7KDI, 7KDJ, 7KDK, 7KDL, 7KE4, 7KE6, 7KE7, 7KE8, 7KE9, 7KEA, 7KEB, 7KEC, 7KJ2, 7KJ3, 7KJ4, 7KJ5, 7KKK, 7KKL, 7KL9, 7KMB, 7KMS, 7KMZ, 7KNB, 7KNE, 7KNH, 7KNI, 7L02, 7L06, 7L09