General information
    Trivial Name:P1
    C-Terminal Modification:None
    N-Terminal Modification:None
    Chemical Modification:None
    Peptide Source:

    Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) : 1263720

    Source Description:P1 corresponded to the full-length HR2 sequence of MERS-CoV spike protein.
    Against Virus:

    Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) : 1263720

    Inhibition Value Type:IC50
    Inhibitory Effect:3.013
    Inhibitory Unit:µM
    Target Domain Name:HR1 domain of MERS-CoV (Betacoronavirus England 1)
    Assay:Pseudotyped virus infection inhibition assay
    Assay Description:For the inhibition assay, 100 TCID50s of each pseudovirus was incubated with 10-fold serially diluted peptides from 0.01 nM to 100 µM at 37°C for 30 min. The virus-peptide mixture was then transferred to 96-well plates seeded with Huh7 cells. Each concentration was tested in octuplicate. After a 5-h incubation, the medium was replaced, and the sample was incubated for an additional 48 h at 37°C. The cells were then collected, lysed, and measured for luciferase activity using a GloMax 96 Microplate luminometer (Promega). The 50% effective concentration (EC50) and 95% confidence interval values were calculated using Prism.
    Anti-CoV activity in vivo:
    Comment:We identified an HR2-based peptide that could potently inhibit MERS-CoV fusion and entry by using a pseudotyped-virus system. These results lay the groundwork for future inhibitory peptidic drug design.
    3D structure:


    Structure Experiment Verified:NO
    Similar Peptides:ACoVP100141   ACoVP100070   ACoVP100139   ACoVP100140   ACoVP100178

    Target Domain information
    Target Domain Full Name:Heptad repeat 1 (HR1) domain of Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) spike glycoprotein
    Target Type:glycoprotein
    UniprotID [Sequence]:

    K9N5Q8 [994-1044]

    Target Synonyms:Alternative name(s) for spike glycoprotein: E2 Peplomer protein S glycoprotein
    Target Source:

    Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (isolate United Kingdom/H123990006/2012) (MERS-CoV) (Betacoronavirus England 1) : 1263720

    Target Structure:4L72, 4MOD, 4XAK, 4ZPT, 4ZPV, 4ZPW, 5GMQ, 5GR7, 5GSB, 5GSR, 5GSV, 5GSX, 5VYH, 5W9H, 5W9I, 5W9J, 5W9K, 5W9L, 5W9M, 5W9N, 5W9O, 5W9P, 5X4R, 5X59, 5X5C, 5X5F, 5YY5, 5ZVK, 5ZXV, 6C6Y, 6C6Z, 6J11, 6J2J, 6L8Q, 6PXH, 6WAR